Saturday, June 06, 2009

How Does My Garden Grow?

This episode of What I Made has been brought to you by rain, dirt, and sun.

You have been warned.

Isn't it impressive? Are you completely underwhelmed? Don't worry, it gets better (though arguably not much).

Yummy's radishes. He's very excited.

The first time I had a garden, it was a community garden rental. They were notorious for having about 234 kazillion weeds per square foot of dirt. I had one patch of scruffy, weedy looking plants and decided nothing worthwhile could grow there so I hoed everything up...

...and discovered hundreds of the cutest miniature radishes. I quickly replanted them and prayed I hadn't killed them. I hadn't, but the critters boring holes through them rendered them inedible (to me).

Yummy's are safe from my hoe if not from as yet unknown critters.

Vish's peas:

I'm still reeling from that close-up. I wonder what else my camera is capable of?

My arugula. Mmmm. Tasty, peppery, arugula:

I snack on it like popcorn. Except I don't snack on popcorn. I snack on arugula.

Rainbow chard, a red one:

I should be harvesting any day now.

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