Monday, June 29, 2009

A Tribble. And A Cat Story

I had my bedroom window open and while I was making my bed and putting away my laundry...

Oh who am I kidding? I was flopped on my bed reading and finding all sorts of excuses to not go to the gym

...when it gradually dawned on me that the birds were awfully noisy. I looked out my window and saw this:

Can't make it out? How about enlarged (but pixilated):

Of course it couldn't possibly be my indoor, declawed (we got him used and he came that way) cat. He would never defy the rules. I called his name. The beady black head turned, looked at me and:

Literally high-tailed his tooshie back home.

*huff* Boys.

What I Made:

I went shopping.

More about this acquisition tomorrow.


  1. YARNTRIBBLE! Awesome.
    Also awesome = Cat who comes when called.

  2. YARNTRIBBLE! Awesome.
    Also awesome = Cat who comes when called.
