Friday, July 10, 2009

Homemade Larabars

My favorite blog this month is Curly Top. A darling little lady who is progressing nicely toward world domination with Pbu, a super-easy concoction that has put peanut butter back on my to-do list.

Now she has gone and recreated the Larabar dubbing it the Farabar. And it's so ridiculously simple we all should have thought of it. But she did it first. What I wouldn't give to have the flexible body mind of an 18 year old again.

What I Made:

Though Larabars are my favorite form of energy bar/meal replacement, they are not the prettiest things to look at.

Real Larabar on left, my version on the right.

My dear little curlygirl encourages experimentation. My rif but her method:

1 cup raw almonds
1 cup macadamia nuts
2 oz dates
2 oz dried cherries
1/2 cup chocolate chips

I wanted to try white chocolate but there was no white chocolate that met my exacting standards, i.e. it wasn't in my pantry.

Not pretty, but so tasty. If you're a fan of the Larabar, give the Farabar a try. I know there will be significantly fewer plastic wrappers in my trash can now.

My next combo: Cranberry Walnut.


  1. You've convinced me. I'm going to do this with chocolate chips, cranberries and cashews. My next trail snack...

  2. I'll take 2 - thanks! What is this 'meal replacement' you speaketh of?
