Monday, July 20, 2009

My Travel Log

Good: The new Harry Potter Movie
Better: A weekend in my favorite state
Best: Spending tons of time with good friends

Good: The weather was warm and sunny
Bad: I wanted rain
Ugly: I got a sunburn

Good: Being in the birthplace of Starbucks
Better: Staying with a professional barista
Best: 12 shots of espresso on demand.

Good: I took a few pics
Bad: They are on my Personal Barista's camera
Ugly: The Businessman won my camera for the weekend in a game of scissors paper rock

Good: Visiting a yarn shop
Better: The accident I may have had with my credit card
Best: Watching my Personal Barista spend an evening knitting

Good: Trader Joes
Bad: The accident I may have had with my credit card
Ugly: Having more food in my suitcase than clothing

Good: I made falafel
Better: My Personal Barista has never had falaffel
Best: She wants more

Good: I love my Personal Barista
Bad: She lives 1100 miles away
Ugly: I cry when I think about that

Good: The flight to Seattle
Better: The flight to Denver (window seat and no delays)
Best: Seeing my boys again

Good: I love Washington
Bad: I like being from Colorado
Ugly: The economy

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