Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Vote For My Next Project

I'm trying to deal with some personal demons and I don't know when my usual wit and liveliness will return. Until then, I am putting something up for vote.

Which knitting project should I work on next, and remain monogamous to until completion?

  1. The Estes Vest: I have some green yarn and I could really use a warm vest. Pros: I already have the yarn and it will knit fast. Cons: I'll have a lot of yarn leftover.
  2. The Peacoat: I want to make it with same yarn as the vest above, but I'm not getting guage. Pros: The stitch would be a learning experience. Cons: The stitch would be a learning experience and I would have to buy more yarn.
  3. Design a baby sweater: In October, a highschool classmate is having a son. He good-naturedly mocked my knitting on Facebook and I want to create something incredible. Pros: It's small, and it's always healthy to knit a gift. Cons: My fellow knitters question whether he is 'knit worthy' because of the mockery.
  4. Finish a lace shawl (scroll down, it's the white one): Pros: It will be stunning. Cons: Since it's about fourteen rows to the inch, it will drive me completely insane and I will stab those darned size 0s through my eyes and out my ears.
  5. Finish another lace shawl: I'm beading this one. Pros: It's on larger needles than the previous one, and will be just as stunning. Cons: the children/seedbead combo is a disaster waiting to happen.
All of the above will be knit, it's just a matter of which one I should knit for the remainder of this month and possibly into August. I'll do it Harlot style and post pics throughout the process.

So, leave a comment indicating which one you'd like to see created. I'll tally votes on Friday, July 24th.


  1. This is a toss up for me. I really like both the vest and the peacoat. And while the gift is a great idea, the mockery is the clincher. Not a fan of shawls, but it may be the heat out here that nixes those for my opinion.

    I'm going to ultimately throw in my vote for the vest. It's going to get cool again soon and it will be perfect for a Colorado fall day.

  2. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Not one to typically throw in my two cents, but I vote for the vest as well. Not only does Hammon not deserve a beautiful knitted piece (well, maybe a blanket), YOU deserve something beautiful for yourself. Sounds like you could use it right now.

    Good luck with the knitting and the demons.
    Megan Haggstrom

  3. PS: I totally understand the mocking—it's what people do sometimes—especially guys, so if I could have added smilies after my note about the gift, I would have.

    And I think everything you knit is amazing.

  4. The vest looks best. I have no doubt you'll find some way to suffer through the burden of leftover yarn!
    Also - I feel ya on the demons. Keep hacking away at 'em.

  5. Carrie5:53 PM

    I say the baby sweater. 1. Babies are cute and innocent. 2. I love the yarn you chose. 3. It is a gift and will feel good to give. 4. You told me not 3 days ago you eventually need to stop knitting things for yourself. Whatever you choose, enjoy every minute.

  6. Monkey wrench alert! I know people are voting for the vest - and its an awesome vest - but I vote for the Peecoat, er, PEACOAT! Its fabulish.
