Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The Staghorn Longhorn Cable

Estes Vest, Est Vestes, Vestes; Day 10? I think that's right. This monogamous knitting could drive me batty.

Thank you, voting populace, for not choosing the lace on size 0s.

Not a whole lot of knitting time for Day 10. Mondays are never ideal, even for stay-at-home-moms.

I've been pondering the names of the stitch patterns in this vest.

In the above picture, the leftmost cable is called a Rope cable, no explaination necessary. The cable pattern on the right is called Hexagon. Refer back to geometry if this escapes you.

The final cable is called a Staghorn cable. It took me a while to figure this one out. Then, while taking my promised daily picture, I had the random thought: It sort of looks like a Texas Longhorn.

Or maybe a stag. I'm leaning toward the Longhorns myself.

Good to know, should I ever need to knit for any University of Texas alumni. Hook 'Em Horns and all.

Day 11 was much more productive.

1 comment:

  1. It looks to me like it coming along quickly! After all there are no sleeves to knit, right? I don't think Texans wear wool as a rule, so I might stick with the stag.
