Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What She Made Edition--A Little Halloween Bling

Last night was Boy's Night Out, which actually means Mom's Knitting Night but sounds more fun to the kids. When I got home, the Businessman was cleaning the remnants of a nuclear reaction AKA my kitchen. I gave him a kiss, ran upstairs to kiss my kiddos and did a quick email check. One little email so enchanted me, I was glued to my computer for the next ten minutes.

The Businessman came upstairs, a little miffed that I didn't come down to praise his cleaning skills chat with him so I showed him what had been occupying my final waking minutes. I was instantly forgiven.

My Personal Illustrator added a little Halloween bling to my header.

I heart my PI. Twice now I've given her a vague request--"I want green, and yarn" or "can you stick a couple spider webs in the corners?"--and she has provided the perfect little image. Essentially she reads my mind, processes what she finds, and makes it better.

Anyone who can take the Mountain Mama Head Tour without serious psychological consequences must be an amazing person. Especially when I ask her to draw images of her biggest phobia (spiders not yarn).

Oh, and KRI, remember that idea we had almost a year ago that we've had to put on the back burner because we both seem to have lives? The answer is tidepools.


  1. It's awesome! One truly talented PI!

  2. As shucks! I'm glad you like it. It's sort of subtle Halloween.

    I've been playing around with some new illustration techniques and will share them with you with regards to our project. One style involves hand sewing—that might add some uniqueness?

  3. SO COOL! Lovin it!

  4. That's awesome. I'm so thrilled that I know both of you; it makes me feel important. :)
