Thursday, February 18, 2010


My cat died this morning. We chose to end his suffering in the comfort of our home.

He was a wedding present from my husband.
He lived in three states.
He thought my pregnant belly was the best bed. Ever.
He hated other cats.
He wasn't scared of dogs.
He loved the Businessman.
He loved me.

I, crazy cat lady that I am, love this animal. This beautiful, secondhand feline who entered our home and our hearts.

Oh Clive. I miss you.


  1. I'm so sorry. I meant to come and post yesterday and didn't make it here.

    We lost our dog a few months back and it hurt so much. My boys still talk about him, even with their own new puppy. They really fill our lives.


  2. This is a poem sent to me by a friend shortly before Ashley died:

    I am the voice of the voiceless
    Through me the dumb shall speak
    Till the deaf world's ear be made to hear
    The cry of the wordless weak.
    From street, from cage, from kennel
    From stable and from zoo, the wail
    of my tortured kin proclaims the sin
    Of the mighty against the frail.

    Oh shame on the mothers of mortals
    Who do not stoop to teach
    The sorrow that lies in dear, dumb eyes
    The sorrow that has no speech.
    But I am my brother's keeper
    And I shall fight their fight
    And speak the word for beast and bird
    Till the world shall set things right.

    -Ella Wheeler Wilcox

    I feel for you. I wish I could say it gets better, but we all deal with grief in our own way and no one's grief is the same.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss...hugs & happy memories of Clive.

  4. I've been having such a chaotic couple weeks that I haven't been commenting anywhere, but I've been thinking of you. I'm so sorry about Clive, but glad you were able to say goodbye in your own home surrounded by everything he loved. Our animals are such gifts to's so hard that they are with us such a short time.
