Sunday, April 25, 2010


The new kitty I'm getting as soon as I get back from the cruise
The cruise
The new Twilight movie (yes, I know)
The line-up of summer movies at my local drive-in theater
Holes at my local theater
Weekly picnics at my favorite, free, Spray Park

School is almost out. Summer is almost here.


  1. As I read your post, an anticipation arose in me, too! The summer's coming! I can feel a change coming with it and I can't wait. Also looking forward to Eclipse :D

  2. LOL! My husband just asked last night if I wanted to rent Twilight. I was all, "hell's to the no!" I can't watch that with him—it would be way too embarrassing.

    But, I did just purchase the graphic novel. I too am a twi-nut. Can't wait to see your aforementioned new kitty.

  3. Regina10:48 PM

    what happened to mountain mama?? i hope she's ok...
