Monday, April 12, 2010

Swimsuit Shopping

Well, despite my being in the gym 6+ days/week, ellipticizing 15-20 miles, yoga 2-3 hours, and lifting weights 3 times/week, I have gained 3 pounds.

But I have lots of energy, better posture and can see and feel results. Especially notable is the inch I lost around my neck.

Be sure to compliment me on how skinny my neck looks.

The same event that is motivating me to spend my knitting and blogging time at the gym--a cruise in June--is the same event that drove me to the mall last weekend, to buy a swimsuit.

I love Eddie Bauer. Scratch that, I love Eddie Bauer, but I really love their outlet store.

I found a $135 swimsuit (brown) for $29.99. It's a miracle suit which advertizes looking ten pounds thinner in ten seconds. The work is actually done while putting on the suit (10 seconds? Ha!) but it enhances my neck bust (which has lost 1/2 an inch) and slims my torso (no measurable change).

I also decided to try on a swim skirt. I am not a skirt wearer. Skirts are as pointless to me as dress socks are to my children. But all these cute athletic skirts have been living in my head (thanks to a certain VW who gave me some trendy wardrobe suggestions) and I decided I needed to try one on so I could veto it with authority.

I came home with this one. It's pink and it's a skirt and I can't explain it but I liked it. And it was only $19.99.

I also got a top sort of like this one to go with it. $75 marked down to $19.99. And it's green. I heart green.

Yes, a skinny necked, flat chested, overweightwoman can enjoy swimsuit shopping.

Thank you, Eddie Bauer Outlet.


  1. I can't remember the last time I truly enjoyed swimsuit shopping. I tolerate it, at best. But I am looking forward to the day I go leaping through the dressing room door with sheer wonder (and hopefully a control top if I'm gonna leap.)
    So excited you had a great time, and glad you are seeing results.
    Speaking of results, is it me, or is your neck looking slender and swan like? ;)

  2. Regina1:26 PM know where I've had luck too is have actual underwires in some of their suits, which is awesome!!!!!

  3. Oh gods, the underwires in the lands end swimsuits! SO Divine! Genius. GENIUS!
    That's where I found my spectacular 2piece number without which I do not leave home (on lengthy vacations).
    p.s. Mama, I've always envied you your terrific jawline. Glad to know you're gonna' be turning heads with it again!

  4. I would love to lose an inch around my neck! That's awesome! Good for you!

  5. Yay for skirts! That's SUCH a great price and SO CUTE! :)

    Have a GREAT cruise!!!!! :)

    hee, hee!

