Saturday, October 23, 2010

Flip Flop

The knitting machine, which really will need a name soon, is providing a pleasant distraction as I watch My Sewing Room being whittled away daily.  As much as I want to fight it, I realize I must put the bulk of my creative area in storage until we can purchase our next house.

Luckily, knitting is portable and my whole hobby can fit in a moving box.  Just in case I'm not the one doing the heavy lifting, I'll label that box "Raingear" which guarantees it will end up in our temporary Pacific Northwest residence and not a warehouse somewhere between here and there. 

Not that having an excuse to buy more yarn would be a bad thing...


Anyway, while there are numerous advantages to my knitting machine--faster knitting, perfect tension, phenomenal stash reduction--there are some disadvantages, including not seeing the right side of my work until I'm finished with a piece.

While something might seem a gentle blending of harmonious autumnal colors on the machine:

It looks like an unfortunate choice in wallpaper on the "right" side:

Yuck!  I cancelled this project and used the yarn for other things.  Like this.
But, while something may look vaguely symmetrical and perhaps a bit too contrasty on the wrong side:

The right side proves stunning:

It's for Yummy, my 7yo.  He chose the colors.

I secretly added robots on the one sleeve.  I hope he's not too cool to wear them.  Even if he is, I can whip up a new sleeve in an afternoon. 

Basic raglan sweater with various modifications
Knit Picks Stroll (washable wool/nylon) Midnight, Pea Pod, Blue Topaz


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I'm all in favor of the robots. Also, I envy your knitting machine.

  2. I had no idea there was such a thing as a knitting machine. But, I also have no knitting experience which is why I am so naive to that world. But… those robots are awesome and I'm sure even my husband at 36 would wear them. He is really into robots.

  3. p.s. Awesome color choice on your son's part!
