Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Little Duct Tape Love

I listen to NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me to get my weekly news. Don't get me wrong, I get most of my headlines through the internet and word of mouth, but I find TV news to be obnoxiously depressing or just plain obnoxious.

Anyway, a few years ago, I learned from WWDTM that a study was done which indicated duct tape has one application that it does not do well, and that is fixing ducts.

As any man will tell you, it works just about everywhere else.

What I Made:

Did you know duct tape comes in colors now? Lots and lots of them.

A roomy carry-all. Perfect for wet swimsuits, picnic lunches or impromptu sledding.

See? Useful for just about any other application.

I wove the front, the back is black and I lined the whole thing in lime green. The only thing I'm not 100% satisfied with are my handles, but I'm working on that.


  1. I've actually seen the "design a prom dress" challenge flyers near the colored duct tape at my local craft store. Would love to see what you did with that!

  2. My husband sees these Duct-tape wallets at Ace and totally wants one. I really don't see the need to spend the money on it though, especially seeing this now.


    PS: I have a weird "touch-sensitivity" and would freak out touching this. I know — weird.
