Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Relief

Ah summer. Of the four, it's my least favorite season. I'm so not a sun worshiper. I do not like being hot. And, although I enjoy the occasional hike, I'm not an outdoorsy kind of girl (unless I'm in Hawaii, where the occurrence of snakes is virtually nonexistent).

I do like fresh summer produce.

What I Made:

Ridiculously simple, yet so so yummy. The mini watermelons were on sale for a buck this week. I refrigerate them, then scoop out the flesh into a blender and puree, frappe, and annihilate away. The resulting beverage is just the thing for hot summer days.

I realize I've been very much relying on the photogenics of fresh produce lately. Bear with me and know that I have several projects awaiting completion and, subsequently, blog posts.


  1. I like mine with vodka.

  2. Please send a blender full in a Tupperware container to "hot, humid, can't find decent watermelons anywhere VA". STAT.

    You and all your frozen goodness are making me envious woman!
