Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Meme Awards And Yankee Doodle Socks

I think it's safe to say I have made a blog-friend.

It started as a comment here, and then I made a comment there, then she posted about this yarn and totally twisted my arms behind my back, around my hip and under my knee until I could grasp my hands around my credit card and buy some for myself.

Wait, I'm mixing up Sweet Mama Jones with my yoga instructor. But a true girlfriend enables impulse shopping jags, right?

Anyway, I'm certain we could randomly meet in a coffee shop somewhere and have a caffiene induced henfest discussing our similarities and differences for hours. Then we would take a look at our charming albeit boy focused families and realize we were both in dire need of a chic flick.

Except she probably lives about 60 of my yarn stashes away from me. The internet, it's a blessing, and a curse.

She honored me with an award recently:

The rules of receiving said award indicate I must give a shout-out to seven of my favorite blogs. How can I narrow it down to seven?

The Mouthy Housewives-It's new-ish and there's some serious sass here. But if you have fallen in love with the characters on your kid's TV, there's still help!
Kerrie Robertson Illustration-How could I not divert my adoring fan base to my Personal Illustrator? I envy people who can draw.
Me Anders-My high-school BFF. Let's flood her with comments and shock the hell out of her, shall we?
Notes From the High Country-My friend who is doing an internship on Mount Rainier. Ask her a question about banana slugs, glacier milk or sourdough doughnuts. Demand she post answers--especially for that doughnut recipe.
The Pioneer Woman-She already has about 15,000 hits a day, but yee haw she's funny!
April Showers-Without her I wouldn't have a favicon, triple columns, or tabs across the top of my blog (I'm still working on the tabs).
SITS-The premise: They feature a blog every weekday and you learn the value of giving and receiving comments.

Those are my seven favorites tonight. Tomorrow it will change.

What I Made:

I finished the socks! Made from the very yarn that created a link between Mountain Mama and Sweet Mama Jones.

Can you believe how large my 6yo's feet are? I may have to stop making socks for him soon.

SMJ, when do boy's feet stop growing?


  1. Thanks for the shout-out (write-out?). I love those socks.

    Hope your garden is growing well. I'll have to post up pics of mine. While I was in CO. husband forgot to water the seeds I'd started so I needed to replant EVERYTHING! Oh well…

  2. You are too kind! "Shock the hell" wouldn't even begin to cover it. Just in case... I had better cowboy up and get to posting again.
    You absolutely rock.
    Congrats on the award and the uber-cute socks!

  3. Oh Christine! I miss you! LOL Thanks for the mention of my blog - which hasn't been updated in like 3 weeks. But no more! I SHALL get back at it. Oh, and it helps that I'll be in the office 3 of the 5 work days this week! ;)

    I'll get around to posting the doughnut recipe soon. It's not where I'm at right now. No WIFI at home.

    I need to get out that sourdough starter and get it going again...
