Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Wish I Could Go On A Business Trip

The Businessman is halfway through his five day business trip. I miss my freedom my knitting night having someone else handle the weird night noises him.

The other night I woke to the pleasant noises of my cat tormenting a mouse. He played, and played, and played and I finally dozed off. (the Businessman takes care of these things). I woke to the charming sound of his crunching said mouse. Now, 90% of the time, my cat does not eat the heads of his prey (I have never owned a cat that didn't leave something behind). I have looked everywhere and I cannot find any evidence of these shenanigans.

Did he eat it? Did he not? Proving either outcome is a bit more than I can handle right now.

In other news, the bird nest under my deck is on it's second round of hatchlings. I do not envy that mama. Even when her mate is still within a one block radius of the nest and not out of town, living with maid service, free meals, and "working hard" whatever that means.

Ugh, I need caffeine. I hope my Starbucks got their espresso machine fixed. It was broken and I almost cried.

What I Made:

This was a top I knit last summer.

Here is a detail of the bodice.

And the hem.

Leaf tank by Fiona Ellis, Vogue Knitting SP/SU 2008
Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece "Nymph"

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful top! Looks really comfortable too.

    I sympathise with the mouse issue. We have problems with them every fall, and our cats are incapable of being cats and dealing with them. Instead, they act like dogs. They catch them, and then bring them, LIVE, into our rooms at night, sometimes going so far as to hop onto our sleeping chests and drop them, like they're giving us some sort of awesome gift, or like a dog dropping a bone. They then sit there expectantly with this look like, "I did good?" while we scream and flail. It's a problem.
