The Businessman is a wonderful guy. But sometimes I wonder what, exactly, he's thinking.
Really. I mean, he knows I have a blog about my creative pursuits. He knows my skill, my desire to use my skill, and my speed with my desire to use my skill.
And when Yummy asked to be a praying mantis for Halloween, I gleefully obliged:
Because that's what I do. Bend over backwards to prove to my children nothing is impossible.
But when Vish decided he wanted to be a skeleton the Businessman went to Walmart and bought this:
And then had the nerve to say he did it for me, so I wouldn't have to be bogged down with making two costumes. Because that's the point.
I'm sure it would have been laborous to buy a cheap, black sweatsuit, felt, and fabric glue.
I'm sure my version wouldn't have fit nearly as well.
I'm sure Vish would have loved my version as much as he loves this cheap, junky skeleton.
But...I'm sure mine wouldn't have glowed in the dark.